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Target Practice Approach Method

For my activity, I chose to whip whipping cream. My intention was to be able to whip it to the correct consistency without a mixer, but by hand with a whisk. I started with three cups of whipping cream in a large bowl, and started whipping. However, after a few minutes I still wasn’t making much if any progress (the whipping cream was still liquid). I had to reassess how I was whipping it. My methods were not working the way I wanted: I realized that to make more progress, I had to move my wrist a lot faster, and with larger motions. After another minute or two, I began to see results. The cream was thickening, and was forming some shape. However, my arm muscles began getting very tense, and I knew my motions were not sustainable. Once again, I had to reassess my methods so that I could reach my target without injury. To do this, I needed to explore different ways to hold my whisk: eventually I discovered that holding it almost underhand did not hurt, and still allowed me the freedom for large motions. Finally, after a few more minutes, the whipping cream reached the correct consistency (where it held its form). By using the learning cycle, I approached the goal I wanted to accomplish by adjusting when I missed the target, and reassessing my methods so that I could reach my goal.

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